LDR Light Dependent Resistor
Electronic devices Electronics tutorial Passive components Sensors

Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) / Photoresistor Circuit Diagram & Working

Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) are widely used in various applications where light detection is required, such as in automatic street-lights, camera light meters, and burglar alarm systems. This article will delve into the symbol, construction, working principle, characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and applications of LDRs. Additionally, a simple LDR circuit to detect light will be explained […]

Automatic Night Lamp Circuit Diagram using lm358
Electronics project Electronics tutorial Opamp based project

Automatic Night Lamp Circuit Diagram by LDR & LM358 OPAMP

This article explains an automatic night lamp circuit diagram using LDR and LM358 OPAMP which automatically turns the LEDs ON at night and OFF when it is daytime. The sensing part which is being used for detecting the light is a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR). The resistance of LDR depends on the light incident on […]